health and wellness radio
The Coach Martez and  Woodrina Layton, LPC Show: Understanding Love, Accepting Truth, and Changing Your Perspective!: The First Step to Having a Winning Year in Your Relationship

The Coach Martez and Woodrina Layton, LPC Show: Understanding Love, Accepting Truth, and Changing Your Perspective!: The First Step to Having a Winning Year in Your Relationship

  12/29/2021  12:00 pm PST

The Coach Martez and  Woodrina Layton, LPC Show: Understanding Love, Accepting Truth, and Changing Your Perspective!: The First Step to Having a Winning Year in Your Relationship Did you know that when you write something down that you are twice as likely to make it happen? Research has shown that individuals with written goals achieved approximately 50% more of their goals than those without written goals. Goals that are written down are more powerful than goals you keep in your mind. Writing your goals down provides motivation and helps you to focus on the priorities that will help you achieve your goals faster and easier. When you define your goals, you give yourself a destination to reach and a timeline to achieve the goal. The scripture in Habakkuk 2:2 says, “The Lord answered me: Write down this vision; clearly inscribe it on tablets so one may easily read.” Join Coach Martez Layton and Licensed Therapist Woodrina Layton on the next episode of The Coach Martez & Woodrina Layton, LPC Show as they discuss the importance of writing out your goals for your marriage and the impact that it will have on your relationship.


Coach Martez and Woodrina Layton, LPC hosts on Transformation Talk Radio

Martez & Woodrina Layton

The Coach Martez & Woodrina Layton, LPC Show: Understanding Love, Accepting Truth, & Changing Your Perspective Coach Martez and Woodrina Layton, LPC are a determine...

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