health and wellness radio
The Crystal Coach Show with Anahata: Clarity, Guidance, & Practical Wisdom: The Importance of Letting Go

The Crystal Coach Show with Anahata: Clarity, Guidance, & Practical Wisdom: The Importance of Letting Go

  05/15/2023  10:00 am PST

The Importance of Letting GoWhy do we cling to hurtful memories, or to negative ways of thinking about ourselves?  What would happen if you could just let go of those old emotional mind loops and just be your best self? 

 We get stuck in behaviors and expectations that consisitenly keep us locked in disappointment - in ourselves, in others, in life.  Anahata shares anecdotes from her client practice and some of her own personal stories of "aha" moments when letting go was a declaration of independence.  

What are you holding on to that doesn't serve you anymore?  Listen in and take away some pointers for recognizing and releasing thoughts and behavoirs that no longer serve your highest good.




Episode giveaways:

  • Listen in live for a chance to win a 60 minute chakra-line clearing.


the crystal coach show with anahata

Anahata Roach

The Crystal Coach Show with Anahata: Clarity, Guidance, and Practical WisdomEvery 3rd Monday  10am PT / 1pm ET   Are you facing challenges that leave you feeling...

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