health and wellness radio
The Diane McClay Show: Empowering Life Through Choice: Ignite Your Spark- 
Getting L.I.T. To Get Unstuck

The Diane McClay Show: Empowering Life Through Choice: Ignite Your Spark- Getting L.I.T. To Get Unstuck

  09/09/2022  01:00 pm PDT

The Diane McClay Show: Empowering Life Through Choice: Ignite Your Spark- 
Getting L.I.T. To Get UnstuckAre you caught up in the stuckery of life? 


Has your motivation taken a summer vacation and forgot to buy a return ticket?


It can be easy to lose our spark, our inspiration, or motivation, but it's even easier to get it back and light things up with your very own sparkle.   You have something very special and unique to you that the world needs!


We are all designed to shine in our own unique way,  but sometimes life events, our surroundings, and even family can dim out our light and our talents.  Getting L.I.T is about reconnecting to the ever present, internal spark we hold inside.  Our well being and sense of balance comes from that spark.  We need to shine for ourselves first, in order to shine outwardly for others.


How you shine and how you express yourself is so different than how everyone else shows up in their shine.  It's critical that we don't hide our light or let others diminish it or extinguish it. 


Tune in for a light hearted conversation about applying your shine so that you can feel joy, happiness, and live more freely the way you are meant to live, When you feel L.I.T.  others will too.



Guest Kim Selby


[email protected]


373 Greendale Way

Emerald Hills, CA 94062









Diane McClay host on Transformation Talk Radio

Diane McClay

The Diane McClay Show - Empowering Life Through Choice As women, we juggle many demands from our work environments, personal lives, and communities. The feelings of being un...

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 Kim Selby

Kim Selby

BIO:   Kim Selby is constantly reinventing herself and as she is now in Act 3 of her life, she has fueled her love of speaking and inspiring with a podcast, IGNITE ...

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