health and wellness radio
The Empower Me Show with Pam Bright: A Spiritual Toolbox for Your Life: Grief, Gratitude, and God with special guest- David Buck

The Empower Me Show with Pam Bright: A Spiritual Toolbox for Your Life: Grief, Gratitude, and God with special guest- David Buck

  08/10/2023  12:00 pm PST

The Empower Me Show with Pam Bright: A Spiritual Toolbox for Your Life: Grief, Gratitude, and God with special guest- David BuckThis episode is dedicated to all of you who may be dealing with grief and loss.  My special guest, David Buck and I, Pam Bright will be sharing with you our recent loss and how we are using gratitude and our relationhip with God to get through it.


Everybody experiences grief and loss.  Whether it is a death of a loved one or a pet or the loss of a job or divorece, at some time in your life you will experience grief.


It has been said that the only constant in the Universe is change, and that includes the different stages that you may be going through in your own process of losing someone or something you love.


Grief does not have a time limit, nor does it follow any logical progression in the various stages.  Elizabeth Kubler- Ross did give us a guideline of 5 stages of grief that she identified.  


However, your emotions can be quite eradic and unpredictable when in the middle of grieving.  Allow it.  Don't stuff your feelings.  And have patience with the process.


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Pam Bright

Pam Bright

The Empower Me Show with Pam Bright: A Spiritual Toolbox For Your Life Thursdays 12pm PT / 3pm ET The Empower Me Show with Pam Bright is all about honoring you as a s...

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David Buck

David Buck

David was born in Omaha, Nebraska but considers himself a native Washingtonian since he has lived here since he was 7 years old. One of David’s earliest memories as a ...

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