health and wellness radio
The Empower Me Show with Pam Bright: A Spiritual Toolbox for Your Life: Spirit Partners for Life with special guest- Jamie Bishop

The Empower Me Show with Pam Bright: A Spiritual Toolbox for Your Life: Spirit Partners for Life with special guest- Jamie Bishop

  04/28/2022  12:00 pm PST

The Empower Me Show with Pam Bright: A Spiritual Toolbox for Your Life: Spirit Partners for Life with special guest- Jamie BishopEach week is dedicated to a theme of spiritual transformation with many special guests who are living on purpose and following a spiritual path. 


This episode is spotlighting my new friend, Jamie Bishop and how she partners with Spirit in every area of her life including her business.  

She is a licensed Toe Reader, Life Coach, Retreat Leader, and Spiritual Leader in Transformation


Using many different tools for empowerment, we will delve into what it means to be a spiritual being having a human experience.  We will look at our commitments, life choices, and supporting one another by collaboration and partnership with the Divine.


As always, this is a LIVE CALL-IN show.  Please let us know how we can support you.  All questions, requests for healing, and needs for personal and professional help are open for discussion.





Pam Bright

Pam Bright

The Empower Me Show with Pam Bright: A Spiritual Toolbox For Your Life Thursdays 12pm PT / 3pm ET The Empower Me Show with Pam Bright is all about honoring you as a s...

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 Jamie Bishop

Jamie Bishop

Jamie is a natural leader and multi-faceted entrepreneur. With a master’s degree in education and more than 25 certifications ranging in expertise from Master Life Coa...

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Katya Difani - Herban Wellness