health and wellness radio
The From Burnout to Recovery Show with Dr. Kate: Your Journey to Burnout Recovery Starts Here: Episode 42 - Breaking Through Burnout with Guest Louise Valentine

The From Burnout to Recovery Show with Dr. Kate: Your Journey to Burnout Recovery Starts Here: Episode 42 - Breaking Through Burnout with Guest Louise Valentine

  06/21/2022  02:00 am PST

The From Burnout to Recovery Show with Dr. Kate: Your Journey to Burnout Recovery Starts Here: Episode 42 - Breaking Through Burnout with Guest Louise ValentineLouise Valentine joins us in Episode 42 to talk about how she learned to work with her body’s physiology in stress response to work her way out of burnout and prevent it from happening again.  Having hit the tipping point of her body’s stress response at the starting line of the Boston Marathon, Louise realized that while she had a lot of knowledge and was doing all the nutrition and training the way she had been trained herself.  It was the psychological burnout affecting the physical body’s response that sent her running for help.


It takes a team to help with the healing. Supports in nutrition, exercise coaching, physicians, and family came together as an army to get Louise back where she wanted to be, which was running.  Shifting of the mind and body, then empowering the mind and body to be prepared for what you can anticipate coming in the days or week ahead of you can help prevent the burnout from coming.  Paying attention to your body’s cues that it is feeling stress is a great way to adapt your levels of activity to give your mind and body opportunity to rest and recover. Taking these breaks and giving the body rest actually improves your holistic health and increases your ability to achieve what you’re aiming for in the long run. 


Louise Valentine, MPH, CHES, CSCS, BCTMB is an award-winning wellness expert, Physiologist, best-selling author, competitive runner & fierce military spouse. Regardless of where the Army sends her family, Louise is dedicated to empowering others to live a vibrant, high-performance life! She has worked with the NFL, published research studying the health resiliency of theU.S. military & has designed science-based wellness solutions for individuals,

school systems, communities & companies throughout the U.S.


When Louise got her own diagnosis, she was grateful to have the skillset to turn her breakdowns into breakthroughs, successfully reversing her hormonal health, Osteoporosis & precancer! Louise is now the CEO of Breaking Through Wellness, where she runs the groundbreaking Badass Breakthrough Women's Health & Running Academy. She coaches women runners, busy parents & athletes to unlock optimal health, potential &

mind-body resilience without overcomplicating it!


Our Recovery Moment in this show is focused on a breathing exercise you can do when you are feeling stressed.


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Ready to start your own journey to Burnout Recovery? Check out my available programs and resources here:


Dr Kate Steiner

Dr. Kate Steiner

 The From Burnout to Recovery Show with Dr. Kate: Your Journey to Recovery Burnout Starts Here   Let’s start a journey together, are you struggling with fe...

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 Louise Valentine

Louise Valentine

Louise Valentine, MPH, CHES, CSCS, BCTMB is an award-winning wellness expert, Physiologist, best-selling author, competitive runner & fierce military spouse. Regardless ...

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