The Heart Leader™ Podcast: Where Heart and Mind Align with Host Amber Mikesell and Co-Host Austin Uhl: Building Effective Communication In Relationships
08/02/2022 06:00 pm PDT
This week Amber and Austin continue their discussion around relationships, utilizing this month's topic of communication to share from a very real and authentic space within their own bond.
Together they share the tools, tips and practices they use, individually and as a couple, to continually build their strong partnership.
Join in as they transparently talk through:
▸ why authentic communication is a foundational component for any long-term relationship
▸ what to do when communication goes sideways or conflict arises
▸ tips to shift the dynamic of a conversation with your partner real-time, even if you've been emotionally triggered
Feel the love flow between these two beautiful souls as they open their hearts and their relationship to you.
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Episode giveaways:
- August Download: Effective Communication Guidebook ▸▸
Amber Mikesell
The Heart Leader™ Podcast: Where Heart and Mind Align with weekly Host Amber Mikesell and Co-Host Austin Uhl Tuesdays 6pm PT / 9pm ET The Heart Leader™ Podcast...
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Austin Uhl
The Heart Leader™ Podcast: Where Heart and Mind Align with weekly Host Amber Mikesell and Co-Host Austin Uhl Tuesdays 6pm PT / 9pm ET The Heart Leader™...
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