health and wellness radio
The Heart Leader™ Podcast: Where Heart and Mind Align with Host Amber Mikesell and Co-Host Austin Uhl: Connecting With Your Spiritual Nature

The Heart Leader™ Podcast: Where Heart and Mind Align with Host Amber Mikesell and Co-Host Austin Uhl: Connecting With Your Spiritual Nature

  07/26/2022  06:00 pm PST

Pauline Nguyen on The Heart Leader PodcastThe word spiritual invokes many different thoughts and feelings. What it represents to one person may be vastly different than what it means to another. So how do we bring it into a context where we can comprehend it enough to connect with it, let alone integrate it into our way of doing business?


Spiritual Entrepreneur Pauline Nguyen has devoted a large portion of her life to understanding how to do exactly this! Described by the Huffington Post as, “The most grounded spiritual entrepreneur on the planet”, recognized as one of Australia’s top 50 Influential Female Entrepreneurs, and included in Blackwell and Hobday’s global recognition of ‘200 Women Who Will Change the Way You See the World’ - this amazing soul is out to show what is possible when you not only align with your spirituality but embrace it within your career.


As an award-winning author and co-founded the world’s most awarded Vietnamese restaurant, Red Lantern, Pauline is well versed in what it takes to connect your spiritual nature while building a fulfilling life.


Listen in as Amber and Pauline share their hearts as they discuss:


▸ The power of observation and choice and the role it plays in our spiritual path


▸ Tips for becoming fearless, unshakable and stress free


▸ How to inspire action, both within yourself and within others


An open and uplifting discussion that will leave you wanting more.   



To learn more about Pauline visit:


Insta: @paulinenspeaks

LinkedIn: @paulinenguyenspeaks

The Way Of The Spiritual Entrepreneur (Book): On Amazon     On Audible

Tiger Purrr Tea:


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Amber Mikesell - Founder, Suivera

Amber Mikesell

The Heart Leader™ Podcast: Where Heart and Mind Align with weekly Host Amber Mikesell and Co-Host Austin Uhl Tuesdays 6pm PT / 9pm ET The Heart Leader™ Podcast...

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Austin Uhl Host on Transformation Talk Radio

Austin Uhl

The Heart Leader™ Podcast: Where Heart and Mind Align with weekly Host Amber Mikesell and Co-Host Austin Uhl Tuesdays 6pm PT / 9pm ET   The Heart Leader™...

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Pauline Nguyen on The Heart Leader Podcast

Pauline Nguyen

“Pauline Nguyen – Award Winning Author, highly sought after International Speaker and one of the most grounded Spiritual Entrepreneurs around the globe.” -...

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Wendy R. Wolf