The Jenn Royster Show: Angel Insights: Scorpio Super Full Moon and Saturn Retrograde
05/07/2020 08:00 am PDT
In this episode, Dr Jenn shares angel insights on the Scorpio super full moon that arrives May 7 bringing a time of healing, cleansing and detoxifying. After all that we’ve been through so far, this brings a positive energy healing time. This full moon also prepares us for eclipse season.
Saturn goes retrograde on May 10 in Capricorn. Time to collect all those lessons and wisdom Saturn offers before it moves back into Aquarius at the end of the year.
Dr. Jenn Royster
Thursdays at 8 am PT 11 am ET The Jenn Royster Show is an inspirational hour that explores the spiritual approach to life's challenges as your host Intuiti...
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