health and wellness radio
The Kornelia Stephanie Show:  "Bringing “Money” ,“Life” and “Dreams” together then have them work in unison" with Joan Sharp

The Kornelia Stephanie Show: "Bringing “Money” ,“Life” and “Dreams” together then have them work in unison" with Joan Sharp

  02/26/2021  01:00 pm PST

The Kornelia Stephanie Show:  "Bringing “Money” ,“Life” and “Dreams” together then have them work in unison" with Joan SharpDoes the way you spend and give money represent you? Your Dreams? Money is meant to be a tool to support your Vision and Dreams. We are going to talk about having the way to spend money reflect your Vision and Dreams.


the kornelia stephanie show on transformation talk radio

Kornelia Stephanie

The Kornelia Stephanie Show and Kornelia Stephanie Media Group  Fridays - From 12pm PT to 2pm PT Join Kornelia as she teaches listeners to embrace their multidimensio...

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Joan Sharp cohost The Kornelia Stephanie Show on Transformation Talk

Joan Sharp MSFS

Joan Sharp has a mission to Change the Conversation from Money to Vision for individuals and families to support their values, life experience, legacy, and wealth. She assis...

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Tonya Winders - Allergy & Asthma Network