health and wellness radio
The Kornelia Stephanie Show: The Millionaire Imprint for Women: Be The Voice for Change

The Kornelia Stephanie Show: The Millionaire Imprint for Women: Be The Voice for Change

  06/21/2019  12:00 pm PDT

The Kornelia Stephanie Show: The Millionaire Imprint for Women: Be The Voice for Change In our rapidly changing world, it serves us to embrace change as we redesign our lives and our world. While we know change can be uncomfortable, it does not have to be when there is a willingness to communicate what's important to us. Join us today as we celebrate our recent change your mind summit with some of the most influential change makers on the planet. How do you make big changes in your life when you feel stuck on “how” to make the change? --- this will be one of the questions among many we will answer today.


the kornelia stephanie show on transformation talk radio

Kornelia Stephanie

The Kornelia Stephanie Show and Kornelia Stephanie Media Group  Fridays - From 12pm PT to 2pm PT Join Kornelia as she teaches listeners to embrace their multidimensio...

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