health and wellness radio
The Kornelia Stephanie Show: The R-AwesomeLife of Future Generations with Special Guest, Prof. Johanna Sophia

The Kornelia Stephanie Show: The R-AwesomeLife of Future Generations with Special Guest, Prof. Johanna Sophia

  09/20/2022  05:00 am PDT

The Kornelia Stephanie Show: The R-AwesomeLife of Future Generations with Special Guest, Prof. Johanna SophiaContrary to the doomsday prognoses that many scientists and public figures put into the ether (and yes, the current system may very well crash), in this interview you will learn that a more conscious, happier, more equitable human family is possible on planet Earth. Not only can we build buildings that heat and cool themselves, create electricity, and last 500 years, not only can we create an economic system based on nature, but we can also live to our fullest potential without stealing from and impoverishing others. R-AwesomeLife does not just present theories, it shows us the real-life models of how it can be done!


the kornelia stephanie show on transformation talk radio

Kornelia Stephanie

The Kornelia Stephanie Show and Kornelia Stephanie Media Group  Fridays - From 12pm PT to 2pm PT Join Kornelia as she teaches listeners to embrace their multidimensio...

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Prof Johanna Sophia

Prof Johanna Sophia

Prof. Johanna Sophia, CEO of Johanna’s Raw Foods PBC, is a Super Happy Body Coach, an expert in natural sustainability, author of books and articles, international edu...

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