The Kornelia Stephanie Show: Truth Bombs and Coffee with Kornelia Stephanie and Dr. Brook Sheehan: Episode 3
08/31/2021 05:09 am PDT
Truth Bombs and Coffee with Kornelia Stephanie and Dr. Brook Sheehan How would you handle it?
00:00 Episode 3
02:33 we are unique and individual. It all comes down to your own values and how you relate to those values. Listen to your won body 03.18 Dr Brook is called The Body Whisperer
04:18 Kornelia " I don't give my power away to outside sources. I listen to source."
06:15 learn to listen to your own wisdom
07:43 This is our truth, sharing with you the other side of the story so you can stand in your truth
10:43 Kornelia asks....If you are told...... in order for you to stay working here you have to do this. what does that do to you as a person?
13:50 You have aright as a human being to live in your body as you wish to
15:48 Is it concerning to you that there are restrictions on travel, shopping and working?
18:12 Totally Love, Honour and Trust yourself. Do not sell yourself out
19:50 If people in Kornelia's life decide to do something other than what she is doing she loves them as God does. There is no judgement
22:44 We are being sold a bill of goods that is a marketing plan. Stay away from the T.V News
27:05 We can send you information if you are willing to take a look at a different perspective
29:35 In this new age we are magnificent genius's but we need to first have the courage and claim it
30:00 Kornelia supporting local people that she is in alignment with
32:00 voting with your dollar 33:15 we are offering empowerment for you
34:00 if you honour yourself the universe will support you 36:08 Sugar will deplete your immune system
38:22 Your body is intelligent. These symptoms might be showing up because the body is working to rid itself of the toxins
39:00 Fear will disempower you
41:20 Let all the noise go if you are being fed fear and do what you know you need to do
41:44 There are resources out there to help you that you don't get to hear about
41:53. Reach out to Kornelia and Dr.Brook if you have any questions
42:30 How you can boost your immune system on Dr. Brook's YouTube channel
Kornelia Stephanie
The Kornelia Stephanie Show and Kornelia Stephanie Media Group Fridays - From 12pm PT to 2pm PT Join Kornelia as she teaches listeners to embrace their multidimensio...
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Dr. Brook Sheehan
The Body Talks Podcast with Dr. Brook: Are You Listening? With passion and love, Dr. Brook teaches you how to carry on a dialogue with the greatest creation to ever exist- ...
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