health and wellness radio
The Mary Jane Mack Show: Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life with Dr. Patrick Porter Developer of The Brain Tap

The Mary Jane Mack Show: Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life with Dr. Patrick Porter Developer of The Brain Tap

  09/16/2021  11:00 am PDT

Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life with Dr. Patrick Porter Developer of The Brain Tap - the dr pat show - transformation talk radio - mary jane mack holistic intuitiveWhat if you could shift a perspective in 20 minutes? To turn stress into clarity? To energize the power of your mind to live more freely and infinitely? You can and you will as you tap into Your Mind Power with Dr. Patrick Porter &  BrainTap. What if you could reach your success goals or exercise more and achieve what you thought was impossible. Tune in to find out just how that is possible and hear how others are activating their innate mind power to live fully, achieve success, and build relationships beyond imaginable.

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Mary Jane Mack

Mary Jane Mack

The Mary Jane Mack Show   Mary Jane Mack Holistic Intuitive, Wellness Coach Mary Jane Mack has been committed to helping people all of her adult life. At the age of 2...

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Patrick Porter, Mary Jane Mack, The Dr Pat Show, Dr Pat Show, Dr Pat, Pat Baccili, Transformation Talk Radio, transformation

Patrick Porter Ph.D.

Dr. Patrick K. Porter, Ph.D., is an award-winning author/speaker and the founder of BrainTap®, the leader in technology-enhanced meditation. Dr. Porter pioneered the use...

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