health and wellness radio
the SHIFT Podcast with Trish Campbell & Diane McClay: Perspective & Our Power to Change: Episode 15 - Are You Reacting or Responding?

the SHIFT Podcast with Trish Campbell & Diane McClay: Perspective & Our Power to Change: Episode 15 - Are You Reacting or Responding?

  01/07/2022  12:30 pm PDT

the SHIFT Podcast with Trish Campbell & Diane McClay: Perspective & Our Power to Change: Episode 15 - Are You Reacting or Responding?Are you living life or is life living you?


It's one of the overarching questions that drives our conversations on perspective and our power to change on the SHIFT Podcast.


We are starting off this new year, 2022, raising our cosciousness on the topic of reaction versus response. 


We'll be taking a deeper look at the differences between reaction and response... how we might unknowingly be giving our power away by allowing others to control how we feel, and how we can make the shift to be more intentional, take a pause to allow awareness to enter so we can be empowered in choosing how we respond.


We're going break it down like we always do on the SHIFT,  and talk about actions we can take to be empowered in our day-to-day, in relationships... in life!




On the SHIFT, we use multiple perspectives to effect positive change within ourselves and our communities.  We create a reframe on traditionally accepted norms to generate personal freedom, empowerment, self-love and self-care.  We discover new wisdom and learnings by stretching our existing understanding of social protocols, health and spiritual practices, personal belief systems, celebrations and cultural influences.


Viewing life through multiple perspectives helps us find new tools and teachings that can support us in healing, in understanding ourselves better, and realizing the potential in our self-actualization. As we journey through perspective, we learn ways to reclaim our power from where we have historically given it away.






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