health and wellness radio
The Spark with Stephanie James: Igniting Your Best Life: A New Way Forward with Jamie Wheal

The Spark with Stephanie James: Igniting Your Best Life: A New Way Forward with Jamie Wheal

  02/09/2022  06:00 pm PST

The Spark with Stephanie James: Igniting Your Best Life: A New Way Forward with Jamie WhealHow do we make meaning of our lives and how do we navigate through this new world that we are dealing with as so much changes on our planet?  My guest this week is Pulitzer Prize-nominated author Jamie Wheal, an expert in peak performance and leadership, specializing in the neuroscience and application of flow states. In this episode we discuss Jamie's latest book, Recapture the Rapture and what the essential steps are to becoming a more fully evolved human being, along with what are the essential elements that will enhance our lives as we navigate through uncharted territory on the road ahead.   

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Stephanie James

Stephanie James

The Spark with Stephanie James: Igniting Your Best Life   As a psychotherapist, transformational life coach, presenter, radio show and podcast host, author, and filmm...

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 Jamie Wheal

Jamie Wheal

Jamie Wheal is the author of the global best-seller and Pulitzer Prize-nominated Stealing Fire: How Silicon Valley, Navy SEALs and Maverick Scientists are Revolutionizi...

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