health and wellness radio
Tails From the Vector with Colette Marie Stefan: Breathe Some Fire Into Your Life with Colette and Tails From the Vector!

Tails From the Vector with Colette Marie Stefan: Breathe Some Fire Into Your Life with Colette and Tails From the Vector!

  03/04/2020  08:00 am PDT

Tune-in - Colette and her dragons from Tails From The Vector (and probably Stella...  possibly Purrl, if she feels like it) will be live on Facebook to soothe your soul. Colette will be sharing 3 cards for the general collective and is offering 3 card consultations for folks who call in!
We love hearing from you - 1-800-930-2819!

Watch LIVE on FB:

dragon energy with colette marie stefan and tails from the vectorpurr-ception - this-and-that-colette-marie-stefan 


From Layer Four Call to Dance Coloring Book Manual, page 18...
Perception is influenced by the expectations, needs and values that are held in the sub-conscious and un-conscious minds, as well as by what people consciously perceive. Stimuli or absence of stimuli results in different percepts depending on a person's upbringing, cultural and religious experiences, etc.

Every problem has a “story” and many of the tales we tell ourselves about the story of our lives are inaccurate accounts from the point of view of our sub-conscious and un-conscious minds. A vast majority of the time what we think the problem is - is completely opposite to the truth of our situation. Our thoughts about what happened, who was involved, when and where it happened, why it happened, and how it was or can be resolved, are unlikely to be true. It is much more productive to feel the story and identify the un-truths, and then clear them energetically to arrive at creative solutions by spinning reverse perception into true perception.

note to self - dogs vs cats

Episode giveaways:

  • 3 people who call in to 800-930-2819 will receive a card reading!


colette-marie-stefan-host of the truth is funny

Colette Marie Stefan

**The Truth is Funny - **Colette and her dragons from Tails From The Vector **Nuggets of Wizdom from The Vector! Join Colette as she shares nuggets of wizdom from her book,...

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Dr. James Rosenwald