health and wellness radio
Tails From the Vector with Colette Marie Stefan: Tails From the Vector! PSYCHIC CLEANSE - NOTE (to Self): Invest In Your Future, Surrender Your Doubts!

Tails From the Vector with Colette Marie Stefan: Tails From the Vector! PSYCHIC CLEANSE - NOTE (to Self): Invest In Your Future, Surrender Your Doubts!

  04/01/2020  08:00 am PST

tails from the vector - energy correcting cards with colette marie stefanColette will be sharing information from this card, Surrender. This is not about waving the white flag as in giving up, but a psychic cleanse to delete the many fears people have due to our current state of affairs.

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When people hear “psychic” they often think of a gypsy with a crystal ball, however, everyone has latent psychic ability. Most parents can relate to having a “gut” instinct that something is wrong with their child and find out they were correct after contacting them. Another common scenario is receiving a random phone call after thinking of someone. The experience of feeling “goosebumps” and coolness in the air is often an indication that someone from across the veil wants to connect. Some people are born with very highly evolved psychic abilities that allow them to read other people’s thoughts, see things unseen by others, hear sounds that others are unable to, tele-transport to other locations, etc., but these abilities are not reliable or consistent when intuition and perception are not used in conjunction.


Everyone is capable of connecting on the psychic level to access information, but if they don’t use their insight, that information can be very confusing. It’s Cold In Here! Must Be Something In The Atmosphere!


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