health and wellness radio
Unstuck Joy! with Vicki Todd - The Art of Living On Purpose: How Do You Process?

Unstuck Joy! with Vicki Todd - The Art of Living On Purpose: How Do You Process?

  02/20/2018  03:00 pm PDT

Have you ever wondered, “Is this all life has to offer? There MUST be more!” If you answer “yes,” join me on Unstuck JOY! The Art of Living on Purpose with Vicki Todd as she shares her insight into: Be YOU + live your Purpose = JOY!

Unstuck Joy! with Vicki Todd - The Art of Living On Purpose: How Do You Process? Join me and my guest, Leah Guy, who is an intuitive healer, spiritual teacher, inspirational speaker, artist and author of the new book, The Fearless Path; A Radical Awakening to Emotional Healing and Inner Peace. Leah uses her personal triumphs over rape, addiction, anxiety and eating disorders, as well as her down-to-earth, honest and often humorous approach, to help you transform trauma and pain into peace and wholeness! This show’s Art Vision prompt is How Do You Process? Let’s use the power of art vision journaling to connect to our Soul and reclaim our Unstuck JOY!



Vicki invites YOU to play along with her Art Visioning process – a fun, creative, transformative spiritual process of using simple art journal prompts to discover your True Self and live Unstuck JOY!

This show’s Art Vision prompt is How Do You Process? Let’s use the power of art vision journaling to connect to our Soul and reclaim our Unstuck JOY!


Click here to go to Vicki's Art Vision page: How Do You Process?


Memoir Artwork of the Day: Body Electic 


Episode giveaways:

  • Guided Chakra Meditation CD - 2


Vicki Todd Ed.D.

Vicki Todd Ed.D.

Hailing from Happy, Texas (the Town Without a Frown), Vicki Todd is a largely self-taught artist. Her fascination with art began in her Grandmother’s china shop and ...

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 Leah Guy

Leah Guy

Leah Guy is an intuitive healer, spiritual teacher, inspirational speaker, artist and author of the new book The Fearless Path; A Radical Awakening to Emotional Healing ...

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Katya Difani - Herban Wellness