health and wellness radio
Unstuck Joy! with Vicki Todd - The Art of Living On Purpose: Say YES to Your True Self Values and Live Unstuck JOY!

Unstuck Joy! with Vicki Todd - The Art of Living On Purpose: Say YES to Your True Self Values and Live Unstuck JOY!

  05/25/2017  11:00 am PDT

Unstuck Joy! with Vicki Todd - The Art of Living On Purpose: Say YES to Your True Self Values and Live Unstuck JOY!Have you ever wondered, “Is this all life has to offer? There MUST be more!” If you answer “yes,” join me on Unstuck JOY! The Art of Living on Purpose with Vicki Todd as she shares her insight into: Be YOU + live your Purpose = JOY.

What are the values that make your life joyful and balanced – in other words, the values of your True Self? Did you know that if you define these values and incorporate them regularly into your daily activities, you will enjoy more vibrancy, texture and fulfillment in your life? We will look at the top reasons of why people don’t live their True Self Values and how you can do a Values Litmus Test to make sure you’re living your True Self life at full volume!

Also, watch on Facebook as Vicki creates a watercolor painting LIVE during the show!

Vicki invites YOU to play along with her Art Visioning process – a fun, creative, transformative spiritual process of using simple art journal prompts to discover your True Self and live Unstuck JOY! This show’s prompt of Say YES to Your Life Zen Doodle will help you define your True Self values and express how you’re growing and evolving toward manifesting your best Self and life!
Art Vision prompt of the day - Say YES to Your Life Zen Doodle! Click for more details

Vicki's Memoir artwork of the day - Hear Me Roar!

This is a painting Vicki did during an art retreat in Spain. She followed her True Self intuition and painted female figures as "landscape of women's lives" instead of traditional landscapes. Are you following your True Self values in your daily life? You'll hear much more about this during the show - don't miss it!

Hear Me Roar


Vicki Todd Ed.D.

Vicki Todd Ed.D.

Hailing from Happy, Texas (the Town Without a Frown), Vicki Todd is a largely self-taught artist. Her fascination with art began in her Grandmother’s china shop and ...

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Dr. Pat Baccili

Dr. Pat Baccili helps individuals and organizations break through their limiting Crust so they can reach their unlimited potential. Her specialty is assisting people face t...

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