health and wellness radio
Vibrant Powerful Moms with Debbie Pokornik - Helping Everyday Women Create Extraordinary Lives!: 5 Secrets to Being A Vibrant Woman

Vibrant Powerful Moms with Debbie Pokornik - Helping Everyday Women Create Extraordinary Lives!: 5 Secrets to Being A Vibrant Woman

  12/11/2017  02:30 pm PDT

Being a vibrant woman takes work. It requires you to be proactive, to take the lead in your life and to live on purpose. In this episode Debbie shares 5 secrets that can help you make sure you are shining for all the world to see.

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Debbie Pokornik

Debbie Pokornik

Vibrant, Powerful Moms with Debbie Pokornik - Helping Everyday Women Create Extraordinary Lives!  Often it is the simple, little things you do every day that will have ...

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