health and wellness radio
Vibrant Powerful Moms with Debbie Pokornik - Helping Everyday Women Create Extraordinary Lives!: You Deserve to Love Your Life with Norma T. Hollis

Vibrant Powerful Moms with Debbie Pokornik - Helping Everyday Women Create Extraordinary Lives!: You Deserve to Love Your Life with Norma T. Hollis

  02/04/2019  02:30 pm PST

Vibrant Powerful Moms with Debbie Pokornik - Helping Everyday Women Create Extraordinary Lives!: You Deserve to Love Your Life with Norma T. HollisTune into this episode of Vibrant, Powerful Moms to hear Authenticity Expert, Norma Hollis, share how to reconnect with your authentic self; how authenticity and being extraordinary are connected; why doing things how others say it should be done will hold you back; and more.

Episode giveaways:

  • Norma invites you to visit her website to connect with her and take the complimentary authenticity assessment.


Debbie Pokornik

Debbie Pokornik

Vibrant, Powerful Moms with Debbie Pokornik - Helping Everyday Women Create Extraordinary Lives!  Often it is the simple, little things you do every day that will have ...

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 Norma T. Hollis

Norma T. Hollis

About Norma T. Hollis / The Authentic Path Norma T. Hollis is an international authority on authentic leadership and self-awareness. She is a coach, consultant, speaker...

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