health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Alex Terranova

Alex Terranova, is a DreamMason, and Performance Coach.  He works with Leaders, Creators and Innovators: those brave enough to build their dreams.  Alex is committed to supporting men break away from the logical, head-based, stereotypical masculine model and so they can unleash their Spiritual Hustle, Heart-Based Rebel, and Love Warrior.  I work with those brave enough to say fuck you to probability and fuck yeah to possibility.   Alex is the host of The DreamMason Podcast, and working on his first book titled Fictional Authenticity.   In addition, Alex mentors new coaches and leaders with Accomplishment Coaching.  He loves doing hot yoga, traveling, a great meal, reading, and pushing himself to over come fears and challenges.  Alex also has a goal to see the sun rise and set everyday for a year.  To some he is also known as "Inspirational Alex.  



Wendy R. Wolf