health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Alison Ward

Alison Ward a spiritual relationship expert discovered her purpose after surviving a brutal near fatal attack by her former partner. Her true, gripping story Awarded by Angels' graphic description brings awareness to what goes on behind closed doors.

Continuing on from that fateful day, the reader accesses her journey from victimhood to empowerment. Now, fourteen years following her "awakening," or "the gift in the ugly box," Alison lives her life practicing and sharing the tools and gifts she discovered post trauma during her remarkable journey of self discovery and self awareness.

A practicing specialist in relationships, Alison has realized that to prevent Domestic abuse and Violence, it's imperative to work on oneself, forming a healthy accepting relationship starts with the individual ;the only person who can make them happy. By improving self esteem and self confidence, Alison has not only helped many walk away from abusive relationships but also prevented others from entering potentially damaging relationships.

Alison is now 48 years old married to Wayne Carl in Awarded By Angels and has 2 wonderful boys Sam Junior nearly 21 and James David now 16. She lives in the west midlands and loves been the proud owner of peace of mind.


Wendy R. Wolf