health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Allyson Blythe LCSW

As a Certified Life Coach & LCSW, Allyson Blythe has over 25 years of experience with educating, equipping, and empowering her clients. Allyson brings a spirit of authenticity and genuineness into everything she does and is a masterful creator in her line of work. She is committed to helping both men and women build success from the inside out by digging deep into their longstanding patterns, beliefs, and behaviors that have gotten in the way long enough. With a clear course of action and a community of support, Allyson helps clients improve their mindset and align their daily behavior with their core values and most treasured dreams to finally let go of those old stories and launch them into new levels of success and happiness.

During her years of practice, Allyson has worked with 1000’s of people offering individual counseling and coaching, group counseling and coaching, workshops, seminars, on-line courses, public speaking engagements, and now her latest venture of writing “Misunderstood: Rewriting The Rules of Dignity & Self-Respect”. Allyson is also trained in Non-Violent Communication and combines her years of practice with Marshal Rosenberg’s work to offer the course “The Art of Effective Communication” which is designed to deepen self-awareness and offer a simple 4-step tool for communication. When she’s not in the office or at the computer creating, you can find her out in nature somewhere or on a yoga mat.



Let me introduce myself

    Katya Difani - Herban Wellness