health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Amethyst Wyldfyre

Amethyst Wyldfyre The Energy Mastery Coach is a Multidimensional Visionary and Transformational Spiritual Leader, Teacher, Guide and Divine Wisdom Channel. She specializes in serving highly influential systemic change agents, coaches, trainers, speakers, performers, artists and alternative healers to LEAP fearlessly into their highest level of service to the planet. She is the originator along with her Divine Business Partner Mikael Sami-Kumara of CORE PATH The Energy Foundations for Divine Wealth Intensive a powerful Energy Journey program for Evolving Entrepreneurs which creates a sacred space of transformation for their clients within which they surface their own inner strengths, achieve greater clarity, cultivate greater openness to Source, reveal hidden gifts and talents, and energize to implement their own mission and purpose in the world.

Ms. Wyldfyre is an award winning entrepreneur, an Initiated Shamaness in the Inka Tradition, a naturally ordained Crystal Singing Bowl Sound Therapist, and a published author of several books.

In 2008 Ms. Wyldfyre was selected by NH Magazine as one of their Renaissance Women and in 2009 her CD - Divine Union - A Crystal Singing Bowl Healing Journey was a COVR AWARD Winning Finalist in the Inner Space/Meditational/Healing Category at the International New Age Trade Show in Denver.

In 2010 her business was selected as a "Movement to Watch" in the Be The Change Awards Ceremony hosted by multimillionaire entrepreneur Suzanne Evans of Help More


Dr. James Rosenwald