health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Angele Ortega

Angele Ortega was still a lifeguard when her angel asked her to network almost thirty years ago. Life changed and she was ready.

She has published Issues magazine since 1990, to promote the Spring Festival of Awareness. Her trust is with her God, who told her to start a magazine and call it Issues, which she thought was not a good title but accepted the challenge and next thing you know she got a computer, training, a business plan that was more magical than fact.

Today Angele lives and organizes the Johnsons Landing Retreat Center in the Kootenays as well as prints and distributes 30,000 magazines around BC and AB. The Retreat Center offers over 20 workshops. The garden that grows the food they eat and is an organic permaculture style serving vegetarian food. Another change that Angele created in her life to help the planet become sustainable. She loves hosting the two festivals as it gives her a week in the Okanagan, joining with ladies of like mind, who support the ideals of awakening to our specialness.


AJ Speiginer - Twin Lightz