health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Angie Arciero

Vice-President, Exploration Gratitude Inc.
Angie Arciero is an Executive/Leadership coach, trainer, speaker, and business consultant. She has a Masters in Business Administration with a specialty in Information Technology Management. She is a certified professional coach and a consultant who draws on 30 years of leadership and management success.

A graduate of iPEC The Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching, USA she is also a Master Practitioner in administering an Energy Leadership Assessment Tool, which helps clients develop a personally effective leadership style that positively influences and changes not only themselves, but also those with whom they interact, and the organization as a whole. Angie is also a certified practitioner of the method The One Command.

To learn more about Exploration Gratitude visit and while you're there download your FREE 20 minute "Infusion of Gratitude" Meditation.


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