health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Angie Taylor MBA

My name is Angie Taylor. I was born in a little town called Isola, Mississippi. My childhood was very traumatic. Alcoholism and domestic violence dominated my home environment. At the age of 15, I ran away from home to escape the verbal, emotional, and physical abuse. I was basically homeless. I lived with several different families until I graduated high school. I struggled to find love, to be loved, and to give love. But no matter how hard the journey got, I was determined to become something great and to make a difference in the lives of people.

I graduated high school with honors and went on to college where I obtained my bachelor's degree in Speech Communication. During my junior year of college I started dating a guy and when I graduated from college I relocated to Texas with him. I got married in 2005 and in 2007 I made another decision to further my education. I enrolled in the Master of Business program at the University of Phoenix. Once I graduated from that program in 2008, I enrolled in the Master of Management program and graduated in 2009.

I started my management career that same year in the home health industry. Life was good and I was making a difference in the lives of people. But in 2015, my life took a devasting turn. I discovered that my husband had a drug addiction. The road got very hard from that point and sadly, the addiction became so bad it ruined our marriage resulting in a divorce in 2022. I felt like my life had come to a complete stop. I couldn't figure out what to do with the years I had spent with my husband, the failed hopes, and dreams. I entered a recovery program and it was there that  I discovered the purpose of my pain. That's when I made the decision to join in the fight against addiction by becoming a Professional Recovery Coach.

I am the founder of Awaken To Wellness And Restoration. My purpose and passion is to partner with individuals and families on their path to recovery and to walk with them across the treacherous bridge from addiction to abundant living.


Education & Qualifications

  • Bachelor of Arts - Speech Communication 

  • Master of Business Administration 

  • Master of Management

  • Certified Professional Coach - Texas A & M Corpus Christi 

  • Accredited By The International Association of Professional Recovery Coaches



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