health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Aya Caspi

AYA CASPI is a Certified Trainer with the Center for Nonviolent Communication, based in California.  She has dedicated herself to applying radical, uncompromising  nonviolence in every small detail of life, starting with the ongoing laboratory of her family, including her three children. Aya has spent the last 15 years bringing her unique blend of vision, practical clarity, and deep commitment to transformation to settings as varied as schools, families, mediation, social change communities, nonprofit organizations and media.

With a specific focus on kids and family programming, Aya has served as the educational consultant on several preschool series, creating original curriculums and consulting on show development and scripting. Her client list includes Warner Bros. Discovery,  HBO Max, Cartoon Network, 9 Story Media Group, Cartoon Saloon and Field Day Entertainment.

Aya has been sharing the work of Nonviolent Communication internationally via online classes and in-person retreats. She continually grapples with the joys and challenges of being raised in Israel and finds deep open hope in applying NVC to the context of Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


Tonya Winders - Allergy & Asthma Network