health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Beth Wolfe

Beth combines a powerful diverse teaching, speaking, consulting, and life/health/career coaching experience serving a variety of entrepreneurs - personal/professional vision/goal achievement; serves them to discover clarity, develop greater capacity, and deliver increased capabilities to accelerate their transformation so they are living their goals & visions. Beth has an inspirational, collaborative, energetic approach that invites her clients to feel safe to explore their values, elevate their purpose and expand their self-worth. This unique and supportive approach equis her clients with a proven repeatable principles that creates a full spectrum life they truly love living.

Born and raised in the Pacific NW on Kitsap Peninusula surrounded by water with two gorgeous mountain ranges. Grew up on the beaches of the NW doing all the water sports - sailboarding, jet skiing, solomon skiing; winter time in the mountains snow skiing; participated in a variety of sports, played college softball. I stil live on the Kitsap Peninsula, just a ferry ride from Seattle, WA.  And a great joy is being a Mom of two amazing adult daughters, Matty 26 and Ellie 23 years old -- living in Scottsdale, AZ living their best lives.


Chief Creator & Founder of Platium L.I.F.E. University & Coaching, BW Global Solutions, LLC
Certified Life Mastery Consultant, Brave Thinking Institute, CA USA

Completed 3 Levels of Energy Codes Training, Morter Institute

Adjunct Professor of Personal Wellness in MESH Department - Olympic College, Bremerton, WA

Board Certified & Licensed Athletic Trainer (Medicine), ATL/ATC

Initial Teaching Certificate, Biology, Health & Physical Education, BA, University of Puget Sound

Previous Business - Owner & Founder of Prevention In Motion, LLC (Athletic & Occupational Injury Prevention Design & Consulting)


Beth has traveled a bit of the world sharing her skills and talents of education, consulting and Athletic/Occupational medicine.

- 1984 Women's 1st Olympic Marathon Trials, provided Athletic Medicine

- 1990 International GoodWill Games, provided Athletic Medicine for Olympic athletes from around the world

- 1992 USA Olympic Rowing Team, provide Athletic Medicine/Massage therapy as the team trained throughout Europe

- 1990 Volunteered @ Mother Theresa's Home of the Destitute & Dying, traveled through India serving orphanages

- 2010 Havard Initiative in Haiti, traveled to Haiti after earthquake to provide orthopedic rehabilitation for post surgical victims

- 2010 Traveled to Domincan Republic with my 14 year old daughter helping her teach Art (watercolor painting & charcol sketching) to a variety of orphanges

- Honorary Award from Washington State Department of Transportation for Creation, Design & Implementation of Injury Prevention Program

- 1987 Outstanding Athletic Trainer, University of Puget Sound -- for saving a life



Dr. James Rosenwald