health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Bradley Morris

Bringing a highly approachable slant to the time proven practice of meditation Bradley Morris, Founder of Cowabunga Life has made it his life's work to support people worldwide as they learn new ways to deal with stress and access what he calls "a higher level of creativity." His completely out of the box approach is humorous, engaging and very obviously heartfelt as the success of his programs have proven his methods work when consistently applied.

"My own daily practice has supported me through my lowest lows and has helped me access a level of creativity and joy I never realized possible before I started practicing." said Morris. "I find that my meditation practice keeps me balanced in all the areas of my life. It is like the hub of the wheel that holds everything together. And now, it's an honor for me live my dreams and teach my own techniques to people in so many countries. It astounds me and is so much fun."


AJ Speiginer - Twin Lightz