health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Bron Williams

A trained teacher, Bron Williams worked in the education sector for more than 25 years, teaching children from age 5-12, as well as working with children with disabilities. She has an honors degree in theology, and her honors paper examines Australia's response to asylum seekers and refugees in the light of the ethics of Isaiah. (Journal article from this paper can be found at

Mid-life she trained as a Salvation Army officer, running a church and welfare center, and worked with asylum seekers on the Pacific Island of Nauru for 14 months.

Bron fused the insights from Nauru with her diverse career in education and not-for-profit to build on her innate capacity to see beneath the surface to the behaviours we see, accept, and often rally against every day.

Bron is determined to make bias conscious in the corporate environment, to build awareness that we are a result of our environment, and better served making those biases conscious, and developing targeted strategies to drive successful growth and change.

She has two books published: Powered By Your Past (pub. 2017 ) and I Have Seen the Moon (a memoir of working on Nauru, pub. 2017). Her third book, What's Your Water? (all about bias, to be released February 2022)

In 2020, she begins her doctoral studies in the area of bias, dependency, and shame.

Bron Williams

The Bias Specialist

Making Bias Conscious in the Workplace


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