health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Candice Rosen RN

Candice Rosen, R.N.,B.S.,M.S.W.,C.H.C. is a pioneer in glucose monitoring for improved health and weight loss. She created the Pancreatic Nutritional Program/Data Driven Fueling Program (2008) and is the author of two books outlining her beliefs and program: The Pancreatic Oath and Forget Dieting!

Candice has spent her life's work focused on improving the wellness of both her clients and her community. Her experiences as a clinical therapist and as a nurse give her a unique perspective when it comes to nutrition counseling. As the former Chair of Healthcare Initiatives for Chicago's Sister Cities International Program(appointed by Mayor Richard Daley), she worked to advocate preventative medicine, improve disability access, and promote maternal and infant health. She continues to bring awareness to the global obesity and diabetes epidemics. She is the mother of four children and grandmother to one.


Tonya Winders - Allergy & Asthma Network