health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Carmel Glenane

Carmel Glenane B.A  Dip Ed. Owner/Director of Atlantis Rising Healings Centre and Mystery School, has studied esoteric and psychological disciplines since 1975.  Since 2001 Carmel has taught in over 30 countries exploring, studying and sharing wisdom, (including Egypt 13 times) to write, teach and heal on the Ancient Secrets of these powerful lands.

Carmel's ecstatic energy, charisma, charm, impactful coaching, and deep belief in her mission turn your dreams to reality. Carmel is a channelled writer, esoteric teacher and sought-after visionary healer. Carmel teaches the Ancient Wisdom through her books: The Alchemies of Ises Embodiment through The High Priestess:, Awaken You Immortal Intelligent Heart A Blue Print for Living in the Now; Embodying The Divine Masculine of All Truth through The High Priest; The Miracle of the Mysteries Revealed through The Hearts Secrets,  and her 5th book to be released in 2017: The Final Secret.

She is known for her tranformative tours, sacred ceremonies and powerful vortex gridding around the world in sacred tour destinations such at North, Central and South America, Turkey, India, Bali, and Japan (3 tours).

With over 25 hears experience in the self-development industry, Carmel helps people to facilitate their journey into the Heart through the energy of the "Mothers" wisdom. Balancing the integrating your Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine selves on the direct Path, The path to the Heart.


Katya Difani - Herban Wellness