health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Cathie Wright-Lewis





In 2014, newly retired teacher, Cathie Wright-Lewis met with curator, Miriam

Robertson of The Brownsville Heritage House to propose her dream to begin a

community-based workshop for residents of Brownsville, her childhood

neighborhood. As a result, she continues to serve as the director of the Power in the

Pen Writer’s Workshop – a creator’s incubator space.

As a native of the Brownsville section of Brooklyn, her life was greatly

impacted by the 60’s Busing program for integration and the battle for community

control she witnessed in her neighborhood. At ten years of age, she participated in

the demonstrations at JHS 271 in Ocean Hill Brownsville during the nation’s first

teachers strike.

As a result, fulfilling the charge “to give back” and be the teacher she and her

peers rarely had, for 35 years Cathie molded urban youth, young writers and

teachers as a middle and high school educator and adjunct professor in Bedford

Stuyvesant, Brownsville and Crown Heights. Her work in education has been

documented in: NY Times articles by journalist Felicia Lee, Annenberg’s, The

Expanding Canon (video and website) – Teaching Multicultural Literature, Black

Literate Lives by Dr. Maisha Wynn and a host of periodicals.

In 2001, Cathie published, Maurya’s Seed – Why Hope Lives Behind Project

Walls. She has just completed the 20 th year anniversary re-release. And after retiring

in 2013, the sequel, Passion’s Pride – Return to the Dawning. In 2015 she

published, Mama Relly, her first children’s book series, which is illustrated by her


Lastly, she is currently completing, Miracle - the third book in her allegorical

Afro-futuristic trilogy. “First Flight” is an excerpt from Miracle.

Also known as Coach Cathie she serves as a spiritual life coach to women of

African descent. She aligns all of her work with spirituality. Whether through her

Afro-futuristic writing, counseling or teaching, Cathie enjoys sharing beautiful

messages and stories of hope and triumph.


Tonya Winders - Allergy & Asthma Network