health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Cheralyn Darcey

Cheralyn Darcey is an environmental artist, flower therapist and teacher who has had a lifelong connection with the spiritual and healing properties of plants. For the last thirty years, her art has been featured in workshops, exhibitions, art prizes and publications internationally. She was also a selected Environmental Artist in Residence at the International Environment Convention in 2011 and an Artist in Residence during the Year of Biodiversity, as well as presenting at the Australian Museum. Her other publications include the Australian Wildflower Reading Cards, Flower Reading Cards, and Florasphere Calm/ Florasphere Inspired coloring books.

One of Australia’s leading floral experts has given us the ultimate comprehensive guide to more than 1,000 flowers. Darcey’s meticulously compiled and indexed listings provide the reader with quick, easy and authoritative access to the correct choice for any occasion. She eloquently relates the attributes of these colorful, beautiful, often aromatic “tools” of nature’s reproductive elegance at its finest, for knowing how and why to mate the flower to the recipient and the moment is so much more important than we realize.

Cheralyn shares with us how we can work with flowers to help achieve balance, calm and healing in our lives, homes and gardens. She skillfully describes what each flower means—emotionally, spiritually, symbolically, even astrologically—and how that knowledge can introduce or enhance tranquility. Indeed, Darcey’s book provides a clear and compelling understanding of why walking through an arboretum, or flower garden...or even a wooded glen...can be a transformative experience. We humans seem compelled to give, grow and receive flowers, and this book offers the reader much revelatory insight into the “why” of that wonderful mystery.


Wendy R. Wolf