health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Christina Keys

Christina Keys chased the American dream. She had a successful career, traveled, was financially stable, healthy and happy then on March 16,2013 at 3:42 everything changed. Her mother had a life changing stroke and was given 1% chance to live. She instantly went from career woman to caregiver. 

Within 3 years of caregiving for her mother she was financially, emotionally, mentally and physically bankrupt. The doctors told Christina She would be lucky to live 6 months if that. Her body was literally shutting down from the stress of caregiving and trying to do it alone. She had a choice to make, figure out how to change her life and live while caring for her mother or give up and start making arrangements on how her mother would be cared for after her death. 

She chooses to live and not only change her life but now helps to change the lives of caregivers who struggle while caring for loved ones. Turning a mess into a message and making it her mission to make sure caregivers everywhere are seen, heard valued and appreciated and are Never Alone, She founded and ran a award winning local non profit that supported Family Caregivers, was the Director of Community Growth for a National company where she created and lead a team of almost 200 Caregiving Champions in cities all across the US. She is now a National Speaker and Advocate as well as the Founder and CEO of Keys For Caregiving where she is Connecting businesses, organizations, and Family Caregivers to collectively transform the Care Space community and amplify our voices for change. Christina cared for her mother from until she passed for almost a decade from 2013-Dec 2022.



Tonya Winders - Allergy & Asthma Network