health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Cynthia Segal

Cynthia's Client success rate comes from taking the long view.

She starts by telling you that you have lived thousands of lifetimes over millions of years. Once you get, really get that perspective on your life, she said, it helps everything in this lifetime fall into place.

Want to know why you are living a repeating pattern, why you can't find real love, why financial freedom keeps eluding you? Clean up your past lives.

Through a most amazing process, Cynthia leads you into past lives where you get to experience what happened, release all the dark energy you are still carrying from that lifetime, forgive yourself and everyone else involved then and now and fill yourself up with love and light.

"I felt a huge shift in my relationship after just one session!" "My back pain is completely gone. No one ever suggested that my pain came from my past lives!" "I'm happier than I've ever been, really, deeply happy. I released a horrific past life experience that completely made sense about why I couldn't be happy this lifetime."

Cynthia is a world-renown, top-ranked Oracle, Psychic and Healer. Her clients rely on her to answer their questions about health, wealth and personal affairs. She communicates with our dearly departed and mentors Clients to develop their own Psychic Skills. Cynthia's Clients span 28 countries and are loyal to her brand of honesty, integrity, and never-ending uplifting humor and laughter.

"A Session with Cynthia is the best gift I've ever given to myself."

Cynthia guides her Clients through private Sessions, lectures, seminars, workshops, YouTube and tele-summits. She has been featured in two movies and contributed to multiple books.

Cynthia is easily accessible by phone, SKYPE, FaceTime and email. Visit her now at


Katya Difani - Herban Wellness