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Guest Profile

Daniel Sitarz

Dan Sitarz is an attorney, author, lecturer, educator, and business entrepreneur. In 1992, in cooperation with the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, he wrote and edited the popular abridged version of the central agreement of the Earth Summit: Agenda 21: The Earth Summit Strategy to Save our Planet. This book was selected as one of the top 25 Environmental Reference Books by the Sierra Club and one of the top 21 Books for the 21st Century, jointly by the International Center for Environment and Public Policy of the California Institute of Public Affairs, The Commission on Environmental Strategy and Planning of the World Conservation Union ICUN, and the World Future Society.
Since 1999, he has taught and lectured widely as guest lecturer on sustainability and environmental issues for the Environmental Studies Program and the Environmental Resources and Policy PhD Program at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, Illinois. He was one of the initial founders and a director of Southern Sustainability now the Southern Illinois Center for a Sustainable Future, and he has assisted numerous organizations and businesses seeking to further sustainability goals, including the Land for Learning Institute, the Center for Neo-Tropical Conservation, and many others. He has also advised many entrepreneurs and small business owners on green business and sustainability issues.
Additionally, in the 1980s, Sitarz founded Nova Publishing, which has become one of the premier providers of simplified legal information in America. Its books, software, and legal products are in all major bookstores, Staples, Office Depot, and OfficeMax.


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