health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Dawn Marcus

Dr.Dawn Marcus is a neurologist and professor at the University of Pittsburgh, where she has focused her career on migraines and holistic chronic pain management. Dr. Marcus has written 14 books, including 10 Simple Solutions to Migraine, for which she won the 2007 Excellence in Media Award from the National Headache Foundation. In 2010, Dr. Marcus wrote an updated migraine book with colleague Dr. Bain, called The Woman's Migraine Toolkit: Managing Your Headaches From Puberty to Menopause. Dr. Marcus enjoys visiting patients under the watchful eye of two furry helpers, her therapy dog wheaten terriers. Understanding how a relationship with your dog can help improve your health and lessen pain complaints led Dr. Marcus to write Fit As Fido: Follow Your Dog to Better Health and The Power of Wagging Tails: A Doctor's Guide to Dog Therapy and Healing.


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