health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Dee Thorsen

Dee Thorsen is a divine messenger who shares her wisdom and love. She is a conduit, a channel, that communicates with the Holy Spirit.  Dee has spent many years seeking truth and her experience is that the Universe loves to connect with us.  Words of understanding, healing and reassurance flow through her to her clients.   Her journey has led her to the practice of serving people by bringing them insight, hope and an awareness of the loving presence of Divine energy.


At present Dee is a chaplain at her church and has facilitated many courses in Miracles classes.  Over the years Dee has organized numerous spiritual support groups.   Dee’s life started on a small dairy farm.  Her Norwegian family was the first white people to settle in the Sylvana Washington area.

Her mother's mantra was "what will the neighbors think" " and be nice now."  This had a deep effect on her and kept her shy and introverted and fearful.  Because of her search for God and truth and her tenacious spirit, she got off antidepressants so she can unveil and release the dying paradigm of childhood suppression.

Dee has been a humanitarian all her life.   Her training and work as social worker and healer have been a natural path for her.  After retirement, she became a trained Theta Healer and worked with people all around the United States via phone.  Much of that work was deep healing work, healing past lives’ traumas. 



Today Dee has been led to branch out with her own unique healing practice that has evolved into what she calls "Spirit Speaks'.  


Dr. James Rosenwald