health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Dennis Gaither

For Dennis, the process of healing is a sacred endeavor, a meeting place of shared purpose and intention. His work draws upon decades of spiritual practice and universal principles of mindfulness, non-violence, organicity, unity, and mind-body holism. He is a Senior Hakomi Trainer and a founding member of the Seattle Hakomi Education Network, a board-certified psychiatrist and an ordained ministerial counselor. He has over 15 years of experience leading workshops, trainings and classes on mindfulness, psychotherapy and the healing power of forgiveness. As a part of his Journey he spent some very interesting though at times intense years as an ER doc in Alaska and a GP on the Wind River Reservation, Wyoming. He has recently returned from a very moving humanitarian “grass roots diplomacy” project in Kashmir, India, with Global Citizen Journey.

At this point in his life he finds great fulfilment in the simple witnessing of a being’s blossoming into the fullness that they truly are.


Dr. James Rosenwald