health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Dr. Charleanea Arellano Ph.D.

Dr. Charleanea Arellano's life's work is inspired by the beautifully powerful resilience of the human spirit. Her heart has been deeply moved by stories of people who have not only overcome personal adversity, but have used this adversity, courageously, as a springboard into greatness. These stories of courage, hope and strength, as well Dr. Arellano’s own early life story of hardship, have fueled her passion to help and support others, as they heal themselves and reclaim their personal power in creating an incredible life.

Dr. Arellano subsequently knew, with absolute clarity, that her calling in life was to help others heal and reclaim their inner power. In answering this calling, Dr. Arellano pursued formal training in psychology. Dr. Arellano received her Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Denver with Honors in Psychology, Summa Cum Laude, and Phi Beta Kappa. She received her doctorate in Clinical Psychology from the University of Denver as well.

Dr. Arellano entered private practice upon graduation. Her initial work with clients focused primarily on healing from negative and limiting beliefs that originated from past negative life experiences. However, she quickly realized that her clients were not just in need of healing from the past; they were also yearning for something greater. They wanted more out of their lives. They wanted to be happier, healthier, more fulfilled in their careers and their relationships; yet they struggled with how to get there. While psychotherapy was helpful in the healing process, it did very little for propelling them forward to a life they desired. Dr. Arellano consequently pursued certification in life coaching and received training in practical spiritual principles. She found these trainings, techniques and principles to be powerful and effective in transforming “bumps in the road" of life’s journey into stepping stones of success.

With over 25 years of experience as a psychologist and transformational life coach, as well as her own personal journey of healing and natural gifts, Dr. Arellano embodies an ideal balance of expertise, compassion and wisdom as she supports you in transforming your life. She partners with you to move efficiently toward greater possibilities. With a strong belief in the power of human spirit and wisdom, her professional training as a strong foundation, her deep sense of compassion and ability to "get it," as well as her ability to listen deeply and ask the right questions, Dr. Arellano is the bridge you may need to get you from where you are to where you want to be. Dr. Arellano provides an ideal balance of safety for exploration and results-oriented structure for success. She has a natural ability to hold a safe place for the “deep dives” that lead to your healing and transformation and propel you and your life forward into something even greater than you can imagine. And, at the same time, she provides the structure necessary to ensure success.

Dr. Arellano recognizes that action is necessary to manifest your goals; yet, she also appreciates the fact that so many of us become stuck in "old stuff" that prevents us from moving forward. Dr. Arellano is in a unique position to address the full spectrum of life's challenges -- past, present, and future. She provides restorative psychotherapeutic techniques to help you work through traumas, blocks, or negative life events that are holding you back. In addition, she uses effective life coaching techniques that help you to define and attain goals. And she provides powerful spiritual principles that keep you grounded and centered while you navigate the sometimes rocky terrain of life’s journey.

Regardless of background and life experiences, every individual deserves and is capable of manifesting a life of happiness, peace, and success. With each Empowered Living experience, Dr. Arellano, in collaborative partnership with you, provides support, guidance and powerful tools to help you as you master the art of living. In this partnership, she teaches you how to: (1) heal and free yourself from the limiting and negative beliefs rooted in past experiences; (2) shift your attention to what is TRUTH and what is important; (3) learn to push the distracting elements in your life to the background and to bring forward what is of real value to you; and (4) create a life that accurately reflects who you truly are and what you value most.


AJ Speiginer - Twin Lightz