health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Dr. Deanna Cherrone MD

Dr. Deanna Cherrone found that the “one size fits all” approach to treatment in conventional medicine often failed to adequately search for and address the underlying cause of symptoms in herself and in her patients. For this reason, she became certified in Functional Medicine and opened her practice, Natural Health & Healing over 18 years ago.

She loves educating patients on how to take charge of their health. The Functional Medicine approach and testing allows her to look at each patient’s unique “biochemistry” in the context of their physical, mental and emotional health and well-being. With this information she “dispenses” personalized therapies that can have lifelong effects. Her Therapeutic Lifestyle Change, attention to detail, support and guidance equips patients with the tools needed to reduce or alleviate symptoms, decrease the likelihood of developing disease and improve, or even resolve, current disease states. You can learn more at


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