health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Dr. Mariette Jansen Ph.D.

Dr. Mariette Jansen grew up in a narcissistic family, but never fully understood the emotional abuse until she was in her fifties. Based on her personal and professional (she is a psychotherapist and life coach) experiences she wrote two self-help books for victims of narcissistic abuse:

June 2020 ‘From Victim to Victor – Narcissism Survival Guide’

August 2021 ‘ Rulebook of a narcissist – Narcissism Self-help Guide’

She offers packages for Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Coaching, Anxiety and finding Mission in Life and is a contributor for Psychologies Today.

Received a Ph.D. in external communications, worked as a management consultant before changing careers. Studied counseling and psychotherapy in Richmond and London and built a private practice in London, while teaching counseling at MET and Brunel University.

Dr. Jansen's books plus her workbooks are available on Amazon.


Katya Difani - Herban Wellness