health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Dr. Marilyn Wiley

My name is Dr. Marilyn Wiley, Owner and Sole Proprietor of iAmDrMarilyn, LLC; and the Founder/CEO of the Non-Profit organization, PJ's Corner, Inc., where we intend to provide victim advocacy services. PJ’s Corner opened in January, 2020, but the COVID-19 quarantine has delayed its progress, and the providing of services, though we have a beautiful office space rented. I am an Alabama native. I moved to Arizona in 2008, from Florida, to heal and start over following the tragic death of My Mother, which remains an unsolved cold case. I am a Board Certified Hypnotherapist and certified Master Life Coach, Spiritualist and Motivational Speaker, Avid Blogger and Author, and recently added Actress to my repertoire. I was casted in a short film production in Birmingham, AL., titled “This Is Our Story”, about the racial climate following the death of Mr. George Floyd, COVID-19, life in quarantine, the racial protests, and minority voices not being heard.


I am a Certified Reiki Master specializing in chakra balancing and energy healing with the use of sound vibration and guided meditation. I received my Bachelor of Science and Master in Psychology from The Florida State University, and a PhD in Clinical Psychology from Walden University, and I'm a post-graduate member of the American Psychological Association. I authored a book entitled, "Spirituality Among African American Christian Women Who Have Contemplated Suicide". I am also an active member of the Western Region, Beta Mu Sigma Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho, Inc.


Not only do I help adults map out a way to cope with life struggles, but I also help school-aged and adolescent kids who struggle with bad choices, academics, aggression, low self-esteem, bullying, as well as those exhibiting a lack of motivation and follow through. I serve as an advocate and sounding board to all that not only need to vent, and be heard by an attentive ear, but also to provide feedback and guidance and mind-boggling issues.


Many people are afraid, uncomfortable, or just don't feel that they can afford or need to see Hypnotherapists, Psychologists, Counselors, or Psychiatrists on a regular basis just to deal with, or get insight on their daily run of the mill problems. That's when Life Coaching steps in and takes on the challenge of helping you gain a better perspective and understanding on life situations. I have provided services and safe spaces to heal to groups globally and Internationally, but I have been home based in Arizona, since 2014, with physical office locations in Chandler and Maricopa, AZ. I am currently providing services via tele/video conferences, but looking forward to traveling to new places, once the pandemic allows, to engage both privately and publicly in talks, discussion panels, consulting interviews, and speaking in many more areas, to any population of people that are in need and dedicated to changing their negative energy to positive energy and focusing on having a positive mindset. My clients are a very diverse population including people from all walks of life, and free from personal judgement. My youngest clients were 18 months old twins, and the most seasoned client is 73 yrs old. In addition to speaking to large groups on various topics of personal growth and healing, I also offer telephone, video, and in person sessions to suit client needs based on specific needs and requirements.


My Goal is to heal the wounded, by changing their perspective and understanding of the trapped emotions harbored inside, that block us from being and feeling free to live our best and happiest life!


My Mantra is "Be Still, Get Quiet, Let's Heal"


I enjoy relaxing at home or being at peace with nature and connecting to my vortex in the Sedona Mountains, lots of Me Time to reground myself and recharge, family time, grilling poolside, watching College Football, softball, long drives, DIY projects, arts and crafts. But most of all I enjoy helping people by teaching them ways to self heal. Mission Statement: iAmDrMarilyn's mission is to utilize discernment, energetic connections, consulting, and the power of motivational speaking to empower and teach those that are wounded, emotionally and physically, how to selfheal by releasing negative emotions, and replacing them with positive emotions. iAmDrMarilyn's mission is to inform, yet challenge the mindsets, perspectives, and understanding of trapped emotions that are embraced and harbored within, that can ultimately block humankind from being and feeling free to live our best, healthiest, and happiest life.


So please don't hesitate to contact me if you feel you, your family, your job organization, your church, or someone you might know are in need of, or could benefit from a Motivational Speaker or Life Coaching experience. I look forward to Coaching you toward a better quality of life


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