health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Eli Jaxon-Bear

After a search took himaround the world and into many traditions and practices, Eli’s path and hissearch ended when he was pulled to India in 1990, where he met his finalteacher, Papaji. Confirming Eli's realization, his teacher sent him back intothe world to share his unique psychological insights into the nature of egoicsuffering in support of self-realization.

Eli infuses the teaching with his teacher’s living transmission of silence. Hepresents a unique map of egoic identification as a vehicle for ruthlessself-inquiry and final realization of true freedom. He dedicates his life topassing on the transmission of his teacher.

Eli currently meets people and teaches through the Leela Foundation, anon-profit organization dedicated to world peace and freedom through universalself-realization.


Eli’s new release of his book,“Sudden Awakening” will be available in August. He is also the author of TheEnneagram of Liberation: From Fixation to Freedom, (Gangaji FoundationPress), and he is the editor of Wake Up and Roar: Satsang with H.W.L.Poonja, (Sounds True).


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