health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Emma Storey

Emma began her energy healing journey 15 years ago when she was attuned to Reiki where she would use it on friends and family, but it wasn’t until 2021 , when she retired following 30 years working for the emergency services, that she slowly began to realise that the next phase of her life’s journey was going to be as important as her chosen career- helping people- but in a different way .

She trained in another modality- that of sound healing- earlier this year particularly using instruments  of high frequencies in the form of “frequency tubes” (or chimes) for her sound healing sessions.

Within 6 months of officially offering “publicly”  her service as a sound and energy practitioner, she has gained more than 540 followers on Facebook and has a firm client base . She finds this incredible, but also as a sign that more and more people are turning to alternative therapies in order to heal.

She resides in Norfolk, UK.


Tonya Winders - Allergy & Asthma Network