health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Eriam Sisters

The Abraham sisters are everyday young girls who happen to have extraordinary voices. Their parents were born in the East African country of Eritrea and soon moved to Amsterdam where both Lianda and Salina were born. Upon moving to Seattle, Haben was born, thus completing the singing trio.

Since the age of two, the sisters have been belting out songs in more than one language. The girls started singing in their living room and entertained family members during Christmas and other family occasions. Naturally, like most parents, the Abrahams felt their daughters were extraordinary, but they didn't realize they weren't alone until a music teacher brought it to their attention that their daughters had a unique gift. Whenever they are together, be it in the car, their room or walking outside, singing is one thing that makes the girls happy. With their parents full support, the girls have performed in various corporate and celebrity events including in Children Miracle Network at World Disney and Lenny Wilkens foundation. After appearing on national TV Maury Povich Show and NBC show America's Got Talent, they are ready to move their performance from local stages in Seattle to the biggest stage of their young lives.


AJ Speiginer - Twin Lightz